世界正在迅速变化. 一起,女孩们可以塑造这个世界的样子.

Changemakers实验室 is a summer institute that brings together girls entering grades 5–10 to collaborate on interdisciplinary real-world projects in an exploratory space. 整个夏天, 女孩们会挽起袖子, 变得很糟糕, and think creatively as they work to bring about positive change and explore topics such as the 艺术, 生态, 阀杆, 和更多的.


整个夏季提供五个不同的实验室. Each Lab focuses on a specific project and runs Monday through Friday for either one or two weeks. Please note that by registering for one Lab, participants are committing to all days of that Lab. 参与者可以注册任意数量的实验室. Each Lab consists of three core elements that will guide participants through the 协作 project:


  • 机遇创造

    机遇创造 is a process that emerges from a need to solve an urgent problem and requires collaboration, 沟通, 和连接.

    This element will address four essential questions: What and who is a changemaker? 什么时候需要改变,为什么? 什么样的改变是可能的? 我们如何共同创造改变?
  • 项目

    每个实验都提供了一个动手探索的机会, 塑造我们生活的世界的现实世界的途径. Each project will challenge participants to utilize the steps of the design-thinking process as they work together to come up with an innovative real-world solution: research and exploration; reflection and processing; planning and design; implementation; closing reflection and sharing.
  • 探索

    实验室从探索我们之间的相互联系开始, 其他人, 和社区. Participants will start by looking inward to identify their unique passions, 技能, and values. 然后,探索将向外扩展到团队,然后扩展到社区.

    通过深思熟虑的观察, 运用同理心, 批判性思维, 参与式学习, participants will build friendships as they define their shared purpose of changemaking.



Role models and mentors help support girls as they shift their perceptions about leadership and tap into their potential as leaders. Changemakers实验室 intentionally brings together teams of mixed-age girls to collaborate within an environment representative of the diversity of experiences, 技能, 能力, 以及在现实世界中自然存在的观点. This mixed age group is meant to provide younger girls with an opportunity to learn alongside older teen girls who model what female leadership can look like. 当女孩有成功的榜样时,她们就会茁壮成长.


每个实验室都将在社区合作伙伴的指导和见解下得到丰富. Local community organizations will offer their leadership in their area of expertise by teaching a technical skill, 介绍项目特定的材料和概念, 和/或领导相关讨论.
每个实验室都将进行校外社区考察. Participants will engage in activities guided by our community partners and the Changemakers实验室 lead instructor. Efforts will be made to provide transportation for students from Ellis to the excursion sites and back; however, 家庭可能会被要求下车 早上9点.m. 下午三点来接我.m. 在游览地点. Registrants will be provided with additional details about plans for off-site excursions ahead of the start of each Lab.





  • Details

    日程安排: 周一至周五上午9点.m.–3:00 p.m.
    成本: $450
    教练: Peter Barbor, Ellis视觉艺术老师
  • 实验室的描述

    年轻艺术家如何通过各种媒介表达自己的声音? What is the process behind organizing a cohesive exhibit and framing its message? Participants will explore these questions in this studio-focused Lab through working with materials ranging from clay to mixed media. 他们将花一周的时间去探险, 创建, 并最终在露营者策划的展览中展示他们的作品.

    访问ing artists and an off-site excursion will give participants a behind-the-scenes look at the methods of local artists and 艺术 organizations. 在研究了实践艺术家如何制作和展示他们的作品之后, 参与者将使用多种媒介制作反光作品. Changemakers will fully explore how personal expression and meaning-making foster and forge community. 而不需要以前的艺术经验, 对材料的热爱, 实验, 过程是被强烈鼓励的.

    *Please note that there will be an evening exhibition on the last day of this Lab.
  • 实验室游览 & 社区合作伙伴

    Participants will have the unique experience of meeting visiting artists in the Ellis Fine Arts studios as well as visiting The Frick Pittsburgh's latest inspirational exhibit "Vermeer, 莫奈, 伦布兰特.“有史以来第一次, The Frick Pittsburgh and New York-based The Frick Collection have united the father and daughter art collections of Henry Clay Frick and Helen Clay Frick's featuring works by Titian, 伦布兰特, 莫奈, 德加, 惠斯勒, El固瑞克, 安格尔, 和维米尔.  This limited run exhibition will inspire participants as they prepare for their own showcase at the end of the Lab.



  • Details

    日期: 2024年6月24日至28日
    日程安排: 周一至周五上午9点.m.–3:00 p.m.
    成本: $450
    教练: Jackie Dame, Ellis 阀杆老师
  • 实验室的描述

    准备踏上生物多样性世界的旅程吧, 保护, 和动物福利在这个全新的变革者实验室! 参与者将变成环保科学家, each choosing an animal from the endangered species list to “adopt” and use as their lens to investigate current topics and challenges in wildlife stewardship. They will dive headfirst into captivating case studies that unravel the mysteries of how some species claw their way back from the brink of extinction and some do not. Changemakers will learn about the roles of keystone and invasive species and how they shape the ecosystems they inhabit and their implications for our planet's biodiversity. This Lab will wrap up with the creation of a one-of-a-kind showcase for each chosen animal, 它的栖息地, 以及我们可以采取的关键步骤,以帮助它再次蓬勃发展.
  • 实验室游览 & 社区合作伙伴

    Our 野生动物保护探险家 will be teaming up with the experts at the National Aviary and Powdermill Nature Reserve for two unforgettable excursions.  First participants will visit Powdermill Nature Reserve and their Avian Research Center where girls will learn about bird banding, migration and the latest high tech tracking in 保护 with nanotags followed by a hike on the beautiful Black Birch Trail.  第二天, participants will shift their focus from local species and habitats to global threats while meeting with the 保护 experts at the National Aviary.  Changemakers will learn about the wide-ranging impacts that humans and environmental factors have on various species around the world and what zoos, 科学家们, 社区成员正在努力帮助这些物种回归.



  • Details

    日期: 2024年7月8日至19日
    日程安排: 周一至周五上午9点.m.–3:00 p.m.
    成本: $900
    教练: Heidi Murr (Choreographer) and Sara Sturdevant (Ellis Visual and Performing Arts Teacher)
  • 实验室的描述

    What can 创建 an original performance teach us about teamwork, compromise, and problem solving? 在这个实验室里, participants will create a theatrical production while exploring these questions and developing performance 技能 in a creative, 协作, 以设计为中心的环境. All participants will be encouraged to have a hand in all facets of the production and will cultivate technical 技能 in acting, 声乐, 运动, 集设计, 和剧本创作.

    The 协作 setting of this Lab allows participants to understand their strengths as communicators and changemakers as they work together to design, 生产, 实现一个30分钟的表演. The final performance will take place in the evening on the final day of camp. Prior experience with theater performances or a strong interest in diving deeply into this topic through a two-week immersive experience is highly encouraged. 欢迎充满激情和热情的新人! 

    请注意:这个变革者实验室一直持续到下午4点.m. 每一天. There will be an evening performance on the last day of this Changemakers实验室.
  • 实验室游览 & 社区合作伙伴

    Participants in this summer’s Performance By Design Changemakers实验室 will receive a one-of-a-kind backstage experience at one of Pittsburgh’s most notable performing 艺术 organizations. We will be visiting the Pittsburgh CLO and watching part of the final tech rehearsal of 音乐人. Participants will also take a backstage tour of the Benedum and receive one complimentary ticket to return and watch the full production. 



  • Details

    日期: 2024年7月22日至26日
    日程安排: 周一至周五上午9点.m.–3:00 p.m.
    成本: $450
    教练: Sam Rauhala, Ellis科学老师
  • 实验室的描述

    Join our 工程师的未来:机器人 Lab to find innovative solutions to puzzling challenges through teamwork, 对探索可能性的好奇心, 工程设计过程. Tomorrow's changemakers will be required to think outside the box and use tools and 技术 to engage in creative problem solving. Participants in this Lab will use coding and tools such as Hummingbird robotics kits, 计算机辅助设计, and 3D printing to prototype a unique solution to a human-centered design challenge. Participants will also investigate how design thinking and connecting with the community paves the way for 创建 a lasting impact.
  • 实验室游览 & 社区合作伙伴

    The budding engineers of this Changemaker's Lab will join the experts at CodeJoy for a live private coding session to learn the basics of coding motors, 发光二极管, 和传感器准备建造自己的机器人宠物动物园.  Participants will then journey offsite to 匹兹堡创意再利用中心 to find inspiration in the recycled and materials to create one of a kind robots.  At the end of the Lab, CodeJoy will return for a final review and critique the finished creations.



  • Details

    日期: 2024年7月29日至8月2日
    日程安排: 周一至周五上午9点.m.–3:00 p.m.
    成本: $450
    教练: Sam Rauhala, Ellis科学老师
  • 实验室的描述

    Embark on a journey of creativity and strategy in our brand new Changemakers实验室. Participants will discover how the art of game design—in the form of board games, 纸牌游戏, 更多的可以成为通往科学领域的大门, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学(STEAM),同时探索包括合作游戏在内的游戏风格, deckbuilders, eurogames, 和传统游戏. 变革者将结合讲故事和艺术设计, 建立他们对概率和解决问题的理解, 并在他们制作和玩自己的游戏时磨练他们的决策. This 协作 hands-on Lab will use cutting-edge tools such as 计算机辅助设计 and 3D printing in a blend of creativity, 批判性思维, 和有趣的.
  • 实验室游览 & 社区合作伙伴

    制作桌游杰作需要创造力, 原型设计, 以及大量独特的材料.  当参与者准备将他们独一无二的游戏聚集在一起时, they will visit 匹兹堡创意再利用中心 to learn about the non-profit's mission to "inspire creativity, 保护, 以及通过重复使用的社区参与."  This non-traditional art supply shop provides the perfect repository for materials that spur the imagination.






  • 查看答案


问:实验室在哪里举行? 短途旅行是如何进行的?


  • 查看答案

    所有的实验都将在澳门官方老葡京的校园里进行, 位于匹兹堡的Shadyside社区. 路线和校园地图 可以在这里找到.

    Efforts will be made to provide transportation for students from Ellis to the excursion sites and back; however, 家庭可能被要求在上午9点下车.m. 下午三点来接我.m. 在游览地点.

    所有短途旅行将在匹兹堡当地社区进行. Registrants will be provided with additional details about plans for off-site excursions ahead of the start of each Lab.



  • 查看答案

    在“变革者实验室”,典型的一天包括各种动态活动, 对话, and games designed to encourage relationship-building and foster changemaking 技能 in a fun, 迷人的环境. Each day will balance time to explore changemaking fundamentals and time to implement the community project. 一个典型的日常安排是这样的:

    9:00 a.m. - - - - - -的到来


    3:00 p.m.* -出发 




  • 查看答案

    • 实验时间: 每个变革者实验室项目从早上9点开始.m. 到下午3点.m.,但设计性能除外,从上午9:00开始.m. 到下午4点.m. 
    • 实验日期: Each Changemakers实验室 program runs Monday through Friday over the course of one or two weeks.
    Please carefully review the dates and times listed for the Lab in which you are interested. 如果您对实验室的时间表有任何疑问,请与我们联系



  • 查看答案

    • 不含坚果的零食
    • 无坚果午餐——澳门新葡新京官方是一个无坚果的校园.
      • 如果有任何参与者过敏,请通知我们.
      • 请注意,冰箱和微波炉是 不可用 盒装午餐. 
    • 贴有标签的水瓶
      • 补水站可以用来补充水瓶!
    • 户外活动时需要戴上帽子和防晒霜



  • 查看答案

    All participants need to be checked in by a parent or guardian at the 较低的学校 entrance as early as 8:15 a.m. 营地早上9点开始.m.

    Changemakers实验室 participants will wait to be picked up outside the entrance to the Ellis 较低的学校 at 3:00 p.m. (with the exception of Performance By Design, where participants should be picked up at 4:00 p.m.). 前门将一直锁着,以确保每个人的安全. 成年人不允许进入学校大楼.

    If you have an older camper and would like them to check in and out of camp on their own, 请联系 to speak with the Director of Summer Programs about signing a self check-out form.

    If you are unable to pick up your Changemakers实验室 participant by their designated dismissal time and are interested in after-care, 请联系



  • 查看答案

    要注册任何一个变革者实验室, 请填写这张表格 开始吧. You will receive an email with the link you will need to complete your registration process. 欢迎参与者注册任意数量的实验室.




  • 查看答案

    • All campers will be required to complete the 夏令营 Health Form found within the Ellis 夏令营 注册表单 参加夏令营前. This will allow for more consistent and uniform health reporting across both Ellis and non-Ellis campers and faster access to information in the event of an emergency with all health data consolidated in one system for the summer.
    • Please note that we are prohibited by state law from allowing participants to remain on campus without medical and immunization information.



我们鼓励所有家长/监护人 回顾我们的营地政策 注册前.